Looking for more traffic to your wedding business website?
We offer free wedding listings to all wedding professionals, as well as budget-friendly bridal ads at the premium and national level for wedding vendors who would prefer increased exposure through top-of-page placement and dedicated profile pages. First and foremost, we strive connect our advertisers with highly-qualified and relevant traffic: brides and grooms looking for exactly what you have to offer.
What makes Little Wedding Guide different?
We realize that wedding vendors have many choices when it comes to online advertising, just as brides and grooms can choose from many online wedding resources and wedding vendor listings to help plan their wedding. Our mission is simple: to provide our loyal brides and grooms with top-quality wedding planning advice as well as an easy, comprehensive way to research local wedding listings, without requiring them sign up for anything or wade through page upon page of cluttered wedding ads. Our visitors regularly thank us for providing a refreshingly clean and simple way to plan their wedding; we want to put your business listing in front of those brides and grooms and help turn them into your potential clients.
Our local wedding directory offers everything from free wedding planner listings and wedding ads to wedding venue advertising, wedding photography ads and more. Our wedding vendors list is both comprehensive and easy to navigate, connecting brides and grooms with wedding vendor websites in just one click.
For a Limited Time, Save 50% and Get a Free Wedding Business eBook
you sign up for either a Premium Business Listing or a National
Business Listing, you'll save 50% and receive a copy of our business eBook, "The Wedding Business Handbook" (a $25 value).
Whether you're just starting out in the business or consider yourself a seasoned wedding professional, this is a great little resource to learn the basics or brush up on wedding business best practices and marketing strategies.
(Hurry--this offer will only be available for a limited time.)
Sale Prices and Sample Wedding Listings
Business Listing: $50/year
$25/year (50% Off! + Bonus eBook)
- Sample Ad -
Business Listing: $300/year
$150/year (50% Off! + Bonus eBook)
- Sample Ad -
Business Listing: Free
- Sample Ad -
Join us today to claim your FREE Wedding Vendor Listing or upgrade to an affordable Premium or National Business Listing. Get Started >>
Questions? Please feel free to contact